(*) = Vegetarian
(^) = Vegan

Ramen Quickie

Estimated Time: 10 minutes or under

  1. Boil only the ramen according to instructions.
    • Save the packets, you'll need them later.
  2. While the ramen boils, crack the egg in the bowl you're serving the ramen in.
  3. Add the soy sauce, the ramen packets (both the powder and the oil), and mix the whole together.
  4. When the ramen are done, add them to the egg mixture along with the hot water
    • Stir the whole around so it mixes better.
  5. Add the spring onion and chili powder on top + whatever other garnishing you'd like.

Breakfast Sandwich

Estimated Time: 10 minutes or under

  1. Toast the bread to your liking.
    • The important part is that it should be firm enough to hold the eggs without soaking through.
  2. Cut the Shiitake into parts.
  3. Heat up oil/butter in the pan, and fry the mushrooms until they've softened.
  4. Crack the eggs over the mushrooms.
    • I like them scrambled, and you might beat them in a cup first to get an even mix of white/yolk.
  5. Smear the garlic sauce on the toasted bread, and put the eggs on it when they're done.
  6. Garnish with how much hot sauce and capers you like.
    • Oregano also goes well with this, but feel free to pick any herb.

Shrimp Fried Rice (tm)

Estimated Time: 20 minutes

  1. Cook the rice according to instructions.
  2. While the rice is busy, cut up the shiitake caps into quarters or halves, and dice the shrimp.
  3. Heat up the chili oil in the frying pan/wok, and add the shrimp and shiitake at the same time. Stirfry till crispy.
  4. Beat the two eggs in a cup till the mixture is an even yellow color.
  5. Add the rice to the shrimp and shiitake pan, and pour the egg mix over the whole after. Stir so the eggs can fry in the heat.
  6. Serve in a bowl and add spring onion and sesame seeds to taste.

Spicy Toasted Endive

Estimated Time: 10 minutes or under
(I got this recipe from a cookbook by Yvette van Boven, so creds to her!)

  1. Cut the endive in half down the long end.
    • You can also use another cabbage kind, but the cooking time depends on it.
  2. Cut the shallot, garlic, and pepper in small rings. Mix these with the miso paste.
  3. Fry the miso mix in the pan until everything is a little toasted.
  4. Add one half of the endive with the cut side facing down.
    • I add a bit of extra water, but don't overdo it! The endive should toast, not steam.
  5. Let the endive sit with the lid on the pan for about 8 minutes. Shake the pan sometimes to avoid it getting stuck.
  6. Take the endive out, and cut the tip off.
  7. Repeat with the other half and the remaining miso mix.