This is the place where I stream moveys with a couple of my pals, but they're open to whoever can find the link! The schedule is dependent on my own availability, but so far the timeslot has been Sundays at 10pm CET. The screenings are hosted on Kosmi, a screen-sharing service all online, and you can remain anonymous there and lurk if you want, or join in on the chat.
Some basics:
- Upon entering you start out as "Anonymous [insert animal here]". You have to make an account to change this.
- No personal info is shared, except from which country you're joining. This is shown with a little flag.
- We usually start a few minutes later to give the regulars time to pop in, so no worries if you're a little later.
- I sometimes give warnings ahead of time for specific things, but I'm not always familiar with the movie we're watching. pls also check ahead for possible triggers to stay safe.
- Subs are always provided (in english).
- Being rude/inappropriate/offputting in chat can result in a warning or block from the room.